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首页 > 供应产品 > 应用光物理 RX2000快速混合停流装置 用于快速动力学分析。 可靠实用, 切换快速方便 其他分析仪器 光谱仪
应用光物理 RX2000快速混合停流装置 用于快速动力学分析。 可靠实用, 切换快速方便 其他分析仪器 光谱仪
产品: 浏览次数:647应用光物理 RX2000快速混合停流装置 用于快速动力学分析。 可靠实用, 切换快速方便 其他分析仪器 光谱仪 
产品名称: RX2000快速混合停流装置
用途/使用范围: 生物工程
单价: 150000.00元/台
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-10-08 16:37
产品名称 RX2000快速混合停流装置
用途/使用范围 生物工程
分析范围 1
测量对象 全部生化项目
测量精度 1
电源电压 220V
类型 多元素分析仪器
名称 光谱仪
用途 用于快速动力学分析
品牌 Applied Photophysics 应用光物理公司
型号 RX2000

简单介绍 RX2000快速混合停流装置可与各种型号的紫外-可见风光光度计及荧光光谱仪联用, 用于快速动力学分析。 可靠实用, 切换快速方便。 The RX.2000 can extend the capability of your UV-Vis spectrometer and fluorimeter toenable stopped-flow rapid reaction kinetics meas RX2000快速混合停流装置    的详细介绍

RX2000快速混合停流装置可与各种型号的紫外-可见风光光度计及荧光光谱仪联用, 用于快速动力学分析。 可靠实用, 切换快速方便。

The RX.2000 can extend the capability of your UV-Vis spectrometer and fluorimeter to
enable stopped-flow rapid reaction kinetics measurements to be made.

This high performance, cost effective accessory
enables reactions to be studied that are at least a
thousand fold faster than those accessible manually.

The RX.2000 is easily the most accomplished device
of its type, making use of the latest advances in
stopped-flow design, combined with the simplicity,
robustness and reliability of high quality instrument
engineering. In one action the RX.2000 mixes two
reactants, fills a sample cell, stops the flow and
simultaneously provides an output trigger. The dual
pathlength micro-volume cell employs the latest silica
fusion technology to give the highest possible optical
efficiency and specification. All crucial sample flow
circuit surfaces are biocompatible and chemically

Short Dead Time. The dead time of the RX.2000
is only 8ms, as determined by the protocol of
Tonomura et al (Anal. Biochem 84, p370-383,
1978). This enables first order reaction rates over
200s-1 to be measured.

·  Total 。。tatting. Uniquely, the entire flow
circuit of the RX.2000 is 。。ated (inc、、、
drive syringes). In addition to providing reliable
temperature equilibration, this also has the added
benefit of aiding in the rigorous exclusion of
oxygen from the entire sample when undertaking
anaerobic work.

·  Chemical resistant materials. Carefully
selected materials are used throughout to protect
the instrument from aggressive chemical spillage.

·  Wide temperature range. High performance
syringes with canted seals are used exclusively,
providing reliable operation over a wide

Universal compatibility. The RX.2000 can be
fitted in seconds without tools to ANY
spectrometer that can accommodate a standard
1cm rectangular cell.

?Digital Temperature Display. This integral
feature, fitted as standard, indicates the sample
temperature in the cell to within 0.10C. It also
features programmable high and low temperature

temperature range

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